Advanced courses will push your knowledge and expertise to new level, one step closer to being expert in coding!
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55 results
Coding Problems
Put your programming problem solving skills to the test using the exercises with different difficulties in this course. Designed for coders with some prior knowledge of the basic syntax in any programming language.
32 Lessons
31 Challenges
API in Python
Learn How To Fetch And Post to API Server using Python
10 Lessons
8 Challenges
Solar Eclipse Animation | HTML/CSS Project
In this course you will create amazing "Solar Eclipse" Animation. Showcasing how we can create engaging and functional user interfaces using animation.
10 Lessons
9 Challenges
Recursion Challenges - Master The Recursive Thinking
Recursion is an important concept in computer science and a very powerful tool in writing algorithms. In this course, you will use recursion to solve challenges from beginner to advanced. In the end, you will ace this topic.
15 Lessons
15 Challenges
SQL for advanced
In this course we will dive deeper into how to run complicated queries such as sequential based queries, functions and more.
13 Lessons
12 Challenges
Pandas Analytics
In this course you will learn how to handle tables in python using pandas
19 Lessons
18 Challenges
DOM Project - Calculator
In this course you will build an interactive simple calculator using HTML, CSS and JS.
14 Lessons
13 Challenges
Introduction to Machine Learning
In this course, we will cover how to implement basic supervised learning and unsupervised learning algorithms.
19 Lessons
15 Challenges
Stack - Data Structures Series #1
In this course, you will learn about the Stack data structure, create a Stack from zero using your preferred language, and practice coding challenges with it!
13 Lessons
11 Challenges
Interview Coding Challenges - Pack I
Are you ready for your next coding interview? Test your knowledge and skills with these challenges and be prepared. Good luck!
3 Lessons
3 Challenges
Numpy Fundamentals
Learn to master powerful numerical computations in Python for data science with this concise, hands-on course.
18 Lessons
17 Challenges
Register Login System Project
In the course, you will create a basic authorization system to create and manage users.
8 Lessons
6 Challenges
SQL Challenges pack #1
In this course you will challenge yourself with SQL problems.
3 Lessons
3 Challenges
Object-Oriented Programming in PHP
In this course, you will learn PHP OOP from the beginning, with challenges and examples designed to help you understand the concepts in an easy and effective way.
31 Lessons
29 Challenges
Python Lambda Functions
In this course you will learn about lambda functions in Python, also known as anonymous functions in other languages, after this course you will be able to master this topic!
9 Lessons
8 Challenges
Binary Tree - Data Structures Series #3
In this course, you will learn about the Binary Tree data structure, create a Binary Tree from zero using your preferred language, and practice coding challenges with it!
13 Lessons
11 Challenges
Clean Code - Write better code using Python
This course will give you the tools to write better code using Clean Code principles with Python language, Happy Coding!
28 Lessons
19 Challenges
Coding Problems: Volume 2
Put your programming problem solving skills to the test using the exercises with different difficulties in this course. Designed for coders with some prior knowledge of the basic syntax in any programming language. This course is an extension of the first Coding Problems
25 Lessons
24 Challenges
Moving Clouds - HTML/CSS/JS Project
In this course, you will create a moving clouds web project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
18 Lessons
17 Challenges
Python List Comprehension
List comprehension is a special Python syntax, offers a short and powerful way to create new list from existing one, in this course you will master this concept!
9 Lessons
8 Challenges
Golang Challenges - Level 1
A set of challenges aimed at improving your thinking and getting more familiar with Golang and its beautiful syntax. The challenges focus on arrays, slices, loops, and conditions.
24 Lessons
22 Challenges
JavaScript DOM Methods
In this course, you will learn about the most commonly used JavaScript DOM methods and how to use them!
13 Lessons
11 Challenges
Stopwatch - HTML/CSS/JS Project
In this project, you will create a basic stopwatch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
10 Lessons
9 Challenges
Python Decorators
In this course, you'll learn how to use decorators in Python, a powerful tool for modifying the behavior of functions. Practice with a series of coding challenges to reinforce your understanding.
12 Lessons
11 Challenges
Python Interview Series
This course contains 12 interview practice questions which are the combination of both easy and medium level. This course challenge you to solve questions within a given time and to have good practice on several topics
12 Lessons
12 Challenges
C++ - Standard Template Library
Get introduced to the C++ Standard Template Library, all of it's containers, algorithms and functionalities. Designed for people with some prior knowledge of the C++ Language.
23 Lessons
12 Challenges
Queue - Data Structures Series #2
In this course, you will learn about the Queue data structure, create a Queue from zero using your preferred language, and practice coding challenges with it!
12 Lessons
10 Challenges
Random Fact Generator - Python Project
In this project you will create a random fact generator using Python with a public API (uselessfacts).
7 Lessons
7 Challenges
C++ Pointers
Master pointers in C++ using practical examples. Learn memory management, dynamic allocation, and advanced pointer techniques for efficient C++ programming.
14 Lessons
13 Challenges
SQL Challenges pack #2
In this course you will challenge yourself with SQL problems.
3 Lessons
3 Challenges
Coddy Profile Card Clone | Front-end project
In this project, you will create a Coddy profile card clone.
26 Lessons
25 Challenges
Interview Coding Challenges - Pack II
Are you ready for your next coding interview? Test your knowledge and skills with these challenges and be prepared. Good luck!
3 Lessons
3 Challenges
Interview Coding Challenges - Pack III
Are you ready for your next coding interview? Test your knowledge and skills with these challenges and be prepared. Good luck!
3 Lessons
3 Challenges
Quiz Generator - Python OOP Project
In this course you will create fully working Quiz Generator with python using object oriented programming skills. Happy Coding!
11 Lessons
8 Challenges
3D Card | Front-end Project
In this project, you will build a 3D card design by yourself!
31 Lessons
30 Challenges
HTML/CSS Challenges - Pack III
This course will challenge your knowledge of HTML and CSS in a fun and effective way!
5 Lessons
5 Challenges
Mathematical Riddles
This course will provide ways of thinking and strategies for solving mathematical problems and puzzles using programming.
20 Lessons
18 Challenges
Bit Manipulation
In this course we will learn about bit manipulation with some exciting challenges to boost up problem solving!
17 Lessons
13 Challenges
Python JSON
In this course, you will learn about JSON and dive into the json library in Python, and master it!
9 Lessons
7 Challenges
Exception Handling in Python
In this chapter, you will learn one of the most important concepts in programming which is Exception Handling. Exception Handling is the key if you want to develop solid and unbreakable programs. Exception Handling is the process of responding to exceptions which breaks program.
16 Lessons
15 Challenges
File Handling in Java
In this course, you'll master Java file handling, covering reading, writing, and managing files, with practical challenges to reinforce your skills.
11 Lessons
8 Challenges
Interview Coding Challenges - X
Are you ready for your next coding interview? Test your knowledge and skills with these challenges and be prepared for your next interview, Happy Coding
3 Lessons
3 Challenges
Object-Oriented C++: Brilliance
Elevate your C++ skills by mastering object-oriented programming. This Brilliance part of the full course will guide you from medium knowledge to full understanding of advanced concepts, from basics to brilliance in Object-Oriented C++
21 Lessons
17 Challenges
Object-Oriented Programming in GoLang
In this course, you will learn how the concept of OOP is applied in Golang with step-by-step instructions and challenges to practice what you learn.
17 Lessons
16 Challenges
RegEx in Python
Unlock the power of regular expressions in Python with this concise and practical course. Learn to master text searching, pattern matching, and data extraction with real-world examples and hands-on challenges.
28 Lessons
24 Challenges
Interview Coding Challenges - Pack VI
Are you ready for your next coding interview? Test your knowledge and skills with these challenges and be prepared for your next interview, Happy Coding!
3 Lessons
3 Challenges
Interview Coding Challenges - Pack VII
Are you ready for your next coding interview? Test your knowledge and skills with these challenges and be prepared for your next interview, Happy Coding
3 Lessons
3 Challenges
Python Iterators
In this course you will learn about iterators in Python and practice your knowledge, after this course you will be able to master this topic!
13 Lessons
12 Challenges
Slider | Front-end Project
In this project, you will create a responsive slider to showcase a couple of images and descriptions.
23 Lessons
22 Challenges
Social media Search Project - Python JSON Fundamentals
In this course you will learn how to manage data in JSON format using Python. We will use this learning to build a Social media search implementation. JSON is a popular way of formatting data and will show up very often in your Python career.
10 Lessons
5 Challenges
Dynamic Programming 101
Master the art of solving complex problems efficiently. Boost your problem-solving skills for coding interviews with easy-to-follow lessons and hands-on challenges.
15 Lessons
11 Challenges
Interview Coding Challenges - Pack IV
Are you ready for your next coding interview? Test your knowledge and skills with these challenges and be prepared, did you finished the last packs? Happy Coding!
3 Lessons
3 Challenges
Interview Coding Challenges - Pack V
Are you ready for your next coding interview? Test your knowledge and skills with these challenges and be prepared, did you finished the last packs? Happy Coding!
3 Lessons
3 Challenges
Interview Coding Challenges - Pack VIII
Are you ready for your next coding interview? Test your knowledge and skills with these challenges and be prepared for your next interview, Happy Coding
3 Lessons
3 Challenges
Interview Coding Challenges - Pack IX
Are you ready for your next coding interview? Test your knowledge and skills with these challenges and be prepared for your next interview, Happy Coding
3 Lessons
3 Challenges