Frequently Asked Questions

Explore most common questions answered by Coddy team, still missing something? Contact us for anything!

How to cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription, navigate to your profile and click on “billing settings”. You will find all the relevant information there.

How much does Coddy costs?

Coddy is completely free to use with daily limitations. To remove the limitations, you can visit the pricing page.

If I'm stuck on a challenge how can I get help?

There are a few options for you: 1. Some challenges have a solution that you can reveal. 2. You can press the “Ask AI” button to gain insight into your code. 3. You can navigate to support in the left panel to ask for help.

I don't have any coding knowledge, where should I start?

In Coddy we offer individual courses and journeys. Pick up a journey for an extensive roadmap or search in the courses library. happy learning!

Why do I have to make an account in order to practice challenges?

Code submissions are automatically saved to your account. To submit a challenge, an account is required.

How can I know about new courses and updates?

You can subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest courses and updates, follow us on socials as well!

Can I write a course?

Yes! Read more about Coddy for Creators and contact us.

How much time does it take to complete a course?

It depends on the course - some courses are longer than others but you can expect a couple of hours to complete a course.

Still having questions?

Contact us