HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages, with HTML you can create beautiful websites. Start coding in HTML now on Coddy!
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27 results
HTML Fundamentals
Learn about the web's basic building block, HTML!
34 Lessons
30 Challenges
Introduction to CSS
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the language used to style web pages, in this course we will dive into the fundamentals of this language.
38 Lessons
33 Challenges
HTML - Beginner site
In this course you will test your basic HTML knowledge and create your own basic site, with image and text. Are you ready?
5 Lessons
5 Challenges
HTML/CSS Challenges - Pack I
This course will challenge your knowledge of HTML and CSS in a fun and effective way!
11 Lessons
10 Challenges
Instagram Page Clone | Front-End Project
In this course you will practice standard and simple HTML & CSS approaches and create an Instagram Page Clone Project
16 Lessons
15 Challenges
Solar Eclipse Animation | HTML/CSS Project
In this course you will create amazing "Solar Eclipse" Animation. Showcasing how we can create engaging and functional user interfaces using animation.
10 Lessons
9 Challenges
CSS Flexbox - The Complete Course
In this course, you will master the CSS flexbox concepts. Flexbox is one of the most useful layouts used in web development.
15 Lessons
12 Challenges
Bottom Navigation Bar - HTML/CSS Project
In this course you will create a simple Bottom Navigation Bar using HTML and style it using CSS. You will learn how to add simple animation using (:hover) selector in CSS.
12 Lessons
12 Challenges
DOM Project - Calculator
In this course you will build an interactive simple calculator using HTML, CSS and JS.
14 Lessons
13 Challenges
Netflix Sign-in Page Clone | Front-end project
In this project, you will create a Netflix sign-in card clone.
19 Lessons
18 Challenges
How to Center Div or Text using CSS
In this course we will explore and answer one of the most wanted questions in CSS - How to center div or text?
9 Lessons
8 Challenges
CSS Project - Simple Loading Spinner
In this course, you will learn how to utilize CSS and HTML to build a straightforward loading spinner, which is used when loading pages or content.
6 Lessons
5 Challenges
Moving Clouds - HTML/CSS/JS Project
In this course, you will create a moving clouds web project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
18 Lessons
17 Challenges
Login Form - HTML/CSS Project
In this course you will create a simple login form using HTML and style it using CSS.
7 Lessons
7 Challenges
JavaScript DOM Methods
In this course, you will learn about the most commonly used JavaScript DOM methods and how to use them!
13 Lessons
11 Challenges
CSS Project - Fancy Button
In this course you will create a fully customized fancy button, like you see in your favorite websites!
8 Lessons
7 Challenges
Image Accordion | Front-end project
In this project, you will create an image accordion by yourself!
17 Lessons
16 Challenges
HTML/CSS Challenges - Pack II
This course will challenge your knowledge of HTML and CSS in a fun and effective way!
5 Lessons
5 Challenges
Stopwatch - HTML/CSS/JS Project
In this project, you will create a basic stopwatch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
10 Lessons
9 Challenges
Coddy Profile Card Clone | Front-end project
In this project, you will create a Coddy profile card clone.
26 Lessons
25 Challenges
Cool Tags in HTML
In this course, you will learn about some unique and cool tags in HTML. You will be surprised after using and adapting them to your web work.
15 Lessons
14 Challenges
Sidebar | Front-end Project
In this project, you will create a responsive sidebar for your next web app.
13 Lessons
12 Challenges
YouTube Video Player - HTML Project
In this project, you'll create a YouTube video player using HTML and explore various attributes along the way.
7 Lessons
6 Challenges
3D Card | Front-end Project
In this project, you will build a 3D card design by yourself!
31 Lessons
30 Challenges
Slider | Front-end Project
In this project, you will create a responsive slider to showcase a couple of images and descriptions.
23 Lessons
22 Challenges
HTML/CSS Challenges - Pack III
This course will challenge your knowledge of HTML and CSS in a fun and effective way!
5 Lessons
5 Challenges
Circular Progress Bar | Front-end Project
In this project, you are going to create a circular progress bar using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
11 Lessons
10 Challenges
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